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We'll discuss your book idea, and decide together whether creating a book is your best next step to grow your business.

"What has my book done for me? It has probably paid for itself 25 times over or more in the last year."
– David Lukas, financial advisor

"I wrote the book to help my marketing and build my business. The book has accomplished exactly what I wanted it to do—my business has grown drastically."

– Lee Welfel, mortgage loan originator

"Publishing my own book was the best decision I ever made."
– Tony Smith, K-9 dog trainer

"It's been a game-changer in my business. I would highly recommend anyone going through the process."
– Dr. Jason Dyken, financial advisor

"When I tell people I have written a book, they are very impressed and immediately identify that I must be an expert in my field."
– Russell McCloud, auto shop owner

BONUS: Book Idea Questionnaire

Click here to take the Brand Strategy Questionnaire, the first tool we give to all our book clients.